Tailored & Sustainable Redevelopment towards Zero Brownfields
4th International Conference on Managing Urban Land
Final Conference of the EU FP7 Project "HOMBRE"
in cooperation with the EU FP7 Projects "GLOCOM", “Greenland” and “TIMBRE”
14th – 16th October 2014
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Brownfields are an inherent feature of most, if not all, cities around the globe. They all have a potential contribution to make to the long term success of their city. However, if they are ignored, brownfield sites can become the focus of social and economic problems.
Almost a decade after the first CABERNET conference, the 4th International Conference on Managing Urban Land will celebrate progress, mark lessons learnt and present new insights in how brownfield sites can be part of a vibrant urban environment. We invite contributions that increases our understanding of the complex system that a given city allows private and public decision makers to move forward on a sounder, more predictable basis than before. CABERNET is delighted to be working with friends – old and new – from European Commission 7th Framework funded projects GLOCOM, Greenland, TIMBRE and HOMBRE.
We look forward to welcoming you in Germany’s Frankfurt am Main for three days of sharing inspiration, motivation and validation of experiences from around Europe and beyond.
A. Integrated urban land management and policies
B. Economic, social and environmental instruments for land use management
C. Innovative technologies and management tools for land vitalization
D. Best practice and case studies
Here you can download the conference programme.
Here you can download the presentations of the conference.
Didier Vancutsem, URBACT/EU: “Integrated Urban Policies and Land Management”
Dale Medearis, Northern Virginia Regional Commission/USA: “A Local Perspective on Unlocking Innovative Transatlantic Cooperation”
Harald Burmeier, ITVA/Germany: "Soil Remediation and Land Management – a Win-Win Situation"
Paul Bardos, r3/UK: “Re-use of Land: Possibilities, Decision Making and Stakeholders”
We invite especially scientists, engineers, stakeholders from environmental management (e.g. environment agencies, national and local authorities), brownfield managers, urban managers, spatial planners and site owners, as well as environmental consultants, R&D and manufacturing firms to participate, exchange experiences and learn about new developments. We are certain that you will find something interesting at each time slot, regardless of whether you are new to the field or have been practicing for decades.
We ask for poster abstracts related to the 4 key topics of the conference.
The text of maximum one page, including figures, should explicitly state the objectives, new results and the conclusions or significance of the work.
Please use the abstract template and send your poster abstract to Katja Wendler (wendler@dechema.de). Deadline for submission of your paper is 30th September 2014.
Deadline for registration is 30th September 2014.
Participation fee:
Conference participation for external participants : 140 €
(participation fee includes coffee and lunch breaks)
Conference Dinner (15.10.2014) for external participants and
project partners of the EU projects GLOCOM, Greenland, HOMBRE and TIMBRE: 80 €
Conference participation for Advisory Board members and project partners
of the EU projects GLOCOM, Greenland, HOMBRE and TIMBRE: free
External participants: Please register online via https://ssl.dechema.de/CABERNET2014_Registration.html.
Project Partners and Advisory Board members of the EU projects GLOCOM, Greenland, HOMBRE and TIMBRE :
To register please use the registration form.
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Please see www.dechema.de/en/directions.html
Accommodation has been reserved at 2 hotels for conference participants at a special rate (Reservations should be directly made - please provide the keyword “CABERNET 2014”).
QGreenhotel by Meliá
Katharinenkreisel (Opelrondell)
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0) 69 707 30 0
Fax: +49 (0) 69 -707 30 333
E-Mail: reservierung.qgreen.frankfurt@melia.com
EUR 88,00 (incl. VAT) per night for a single room incl. breakfast.
Reservations at “QGREENHOTEL BY MELIÁ Frankfurt” should be directly made before September 15, 2014 using the following link for booking: http://meetings.melia.com/en/Cabertnet2014.html
Mercure Hotel & Residenz Frankfurt Messe
Voltastrasse 29
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0) 69 - 7926 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 69 - 7926 -1606
E-Mail: h1204-re3@accor.com
EUR 97,32 (incl. VAT) per night for a single room incl. breakfast.
Reservations at “Mercure Hotel & Residenz Frankfurt Messe” should be directly made with the keyword "CABERNET 2014" before September 1, 2014.
Reservations are binding. Charge for rooms which are not used, or cancelled too late, must be paid by the participant.
Katja Wendler
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0)69 7564-425
Fax: +49 (0)69 7564-117
Email: wendler@dechema.de