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CABERNET (Concerted Action on Brownfield and Economic Regeneration Network) is the European Expert Network addressing the complex multi-stakeholder issues that are raised by brownfileld regeneration.
EUGRIS (Portal for Soil and Water Management in Europe) EUGRIS is a web portal offering information and services on topics related to soil and water. EUGRIS operates as a community of collaborating projects, people and organisations who co-operate to supply information for the benefit of everyone and also to promote themselves and disseminate their work.
TIMBRE - Tailored Improvement for Brownfield Regeneration in Europe - is a European FP7 project that aims to support end-users in overcoming existing barriers by developing and providing customised problem- and target-oriented packages of technologies, approaches and management tools for a megasite’s reuse planning and remediation.
Rejuvenate (II) is a Snowman Network Project about "Crop Based Systems for Sustainable Risk Based Land Management for Economically Marginal Degraded Areas,Phase II: Demonstration projects and evaluation decision support tool". The goal is to highlight the potential opportunity for using marginal land for producing biomass and apply the decision support tool to three practical applications at realistic scales.
Greenland is a European FP7 project that aims on solving the remaining problems on gentle remediation options as practical site solution and bring gentle remediation options (phytoremediation, in situ stabilisation) into practical application. Gentle remediation options (g.r.o.) include various and in general plant-based approaches to remediate trace element contaminated soils at low cost and without significant negative effects for the environment.